“CSG-FORCE” is a 15-minute short film created by The Why, for our client Cloud Software Group.

We produced the film, which we devised as a playful homage to the iconic “Top Gun” franchise, as a unique and creative approach to communicate the Senior Management Team’s objectives at CSG’s global kick-off event.


The objective was to foster unity between two teams in a fun and creative way and build an authentic message that not only addressed changes in the way the business operated but also ignited a shared sense of purpose among all CSG team members in Europe.

We worked closely with our client, incorporating inside jokes and casting employees in roles tailored to their positions and personalities, ensuring relatability and resonance for the target audience. We even helped the cast pick their own call-signs, which were integrated into the script and included on each of their costumes.

With an ambitious script and the necessity to stick to the budget, we were faced with the challenge of navigating how to shoot complicated flight sequences. So, we located an airfield that had a detached cockpit designed specifically for filming purposes and a towable Tornado jet. This, combined with a bit of movie magic and some carefully selected stock footage, meant we were able to achieve realistic, high production values.


Every year I wonder if we have bitten off too much to accomplish, but you always manage to make us look like business super stars!

Area Vice President, Citrix.

The reception of ‘CSG-FORCE’ was overwhelmingly positive, earning praise from both the client and the wider CSG community. The screening during a global event successfully brought the teams together, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie and the film’s humorous approach resonated well.

And whilst we didn’t win big at the Oscars that year, we did pick up a trophy at the Internal Communications and Engagement Awards!